We do what we learn.
Cozumel Animal Sanctuary, Heal a Horse was founded in 2001
Became a non-profit organization in 2008
And got verified by GFAS in 2017
It has been a long journey of learning and teaching.
It all started as animal abuse and abandonment was the norm. When horses stopped being “useful” they would be abandoned tied to a tree to endure a long painful death by starvation and dehydration. Chechen, a beautiful chestnut stallion was the very first horse we rescued and soon the word spread and many more arrived. Although there are some people who are just nasty a lot of the abuse is caused by ignorance. Someone once said to us. “We do what we learn” simple words with a lot of meaning! With this in mind we set off to create awareness and try to educate people providing clinics with farriers, veterinarians and horse trainers with the help of caring people who made generous donations. People came from all over Mexico to take advantage of the opportunity to learn form the likes of Chad Bembeneck, and Martin Ochoteco from the series Domador de Caballos with NatGeo. Thanks to these clinics horses are much better cared for now and we do not see abandoned horses anymore. In time the word spread and people began to bring dogs, cats and even endemic injured animals and thus we became Cozumel Animal Sanctuary